Does it feel like you're constantly working but struggle to switch off because you love what you do? Let's make sure you don't push yourself to burnout by following these practical tips.
Are you under-charging but over-delivering? Are your clients getting a great deal, whilst you're short changing yourself? Maybe it's time you shifted your pricing strategy today.
It's easy to set goals. But the reality of achieving goals can be somewhat differently. That's why keeping the faith is key to help you continuing to take action, so you can grow your business.
What do you focus on ... the things that you can control & influence, or all those things that you can't do anything about? See how this simple & powerful tool can help you get better results [...]
Stop wasting your time & focus on where you can add the most value in your business, by shifting some of your ‘to-do’ tasks to your ‘stop doing’ list today.
You're always going to have new ideas & opportunities. But when are opportunities really a distraction? Hear how Jenny Plant experienced this first hand when it came to her business growth.