One of the first words we learn is ‘No’!
Are you holding yourself back by ‘No’ to things automatically?
Go on & say ‘YES’ to giving yourself just under 2 minutes to watch today’s episode of RT-TV!
Well there I was relaxing on the sofa, flicking through the channels and guess what was on?
YES MAN – starring Jim Carrey. I remember going to see it when it first came out in the cinema back in 2009 and even though I admit it’s a bit cheesy and ‘American’ – the fundamental message is a key!
You see, one of the first words that we learn is ‘NO’ when we’re growing up. The more you hear, do or see something – the more it sticks, doesn’t it?
Often saying ‘NO’ has become a habit & a way of thinking – without us even considering the alternative!
So how about shaking things up this week & following this super quote from the film instead:
‘YES is the new NO’
(Jim Carrey’s character)
So over the next week (& beyond), whenever you hear yourself say (or about to say) or even think ‘NO’, then stop yourself and ask ‘What could happen if I said YES instead?’
I’m not saying that you have to say ‘YES’ to everything (that would just be reckless & daft), however just by even considering ‘YES’ – you are at least opening yourself up to the opportunity to explore it more before cutting it down straight away!
Yes it may mean that of course you’ll need to stretch those comfort zones; will be experiencing new things and yes you may even not get the result you expect (that’s the beauty of Feedback though!).
Just keep remember – if you say ‘NO’ – you are closing the door without even having a peek at the potential of what could be behind it!
I’m sure that you’ll quickly realise how much you were saying ‘no’ out of a habit and instead will have fun exploring uncharted territories (i.e actions or strategies)!
As always, I’d love to hear how you get on with putting this week’s Rapid Transformation dose of inspiration into ACTION! So let us know what some of the things you will be saying YES over the coming week will be and also share how it goes, either below or through our dedicated Rapid Transformation Facebook page – or drop us an e-mail to: iwant@rapidtransformation.co.uk
Be sure to also click on the ‘share’ buttons below, so that your friends, family or colleagues can also get the benefit from this week’s video & post!
Enjoy the rest of your day and I look forward to sharing more with you soon.