How Many Iphones Have There Been?
What were you doing 8 years ago? Have you been improving and creating better ‘versions’ of you & your business? Read more to make sure you’re not standing [...]
How To Feel Confident Instantly?
How would it be if you could have a magic button, which would help you feel more confident (or any other positive feeling) in an instant?
I’ll show you how to [...]
Really Communicate With Your Communication
Do you sometimes feel like people are talking to you in a strange language that you can’t make sense of?
Mastering communication is such an important [...]
Say Yes Instead of a Default No
One of the first words we learn is ‘No’!
Are you holding yourself back by ‘No’ to things automatically?
Often saying ‘NO’ has become a habit & a way of thinking [...]
Failure or Feedback - You Choose!
Are you holding onto those feelings or thoughts about having ‘failed’?
Things don’t always go the way that you want or expect – that’s life! Watch today’s [...]
Your Habits - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!
Have you ever really thought about the impact your habits & actions are making?
Habits can have a massive impact on your life – even though you may [...]