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Want to know a sure fire way of driving yourself crazy when trying to make a decision?
Only having 2 options to choose from, as that’s a recipe for a dilemma.
Cause think about it … when you pop into Starbucks, they don’t just say … do you want a black or white coffee?
Nope … you’ve got lots of options & choices. Is it a flat white or a caramel machiatto kinda day?
Last week, one of my clients send me a voice message about a decision he was grappling with … he was trying to decide whether he should he do ‘option 1’ or ‘option 2’?
But I could see at least another option staring us right in the face … but one that he was totally missing, until I pointed it out.
The reality is that we often have more choices than we realise.
So it doesn’t have to be so binary or an ‘either or’ decision, right?
In this week’s super short podcast episode, I bring this to life so you can embrace more options in your life.
Well apart from a few warnings … where too many options could get you into bother!
So listen in today.
Then enjoy seeing where you can enjoy the freedom of knowing you’ve got more choices.
Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:
* Thinking of being part of my next 90 day Rapid Transformation Mastermind group? Let’s chat … book in for your free virtual cuppa here.
* What is your entrepreneurial superpower? Find out by taking the Wealth Dynamics test here.
* Looking for some help to get our your way? See how we could work together here.
*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.