
Just imagine for a moment that you just got told RIGHT NOW that you’re ‘FIRED’ for your current job; career or business!

How would you feel & what’s your gut reaction?  Would you be jumping for joy or feel gutted about it?  This can give you a big clue to whether you’re really connected or disconnected to what you’re doing in your working life just now.

Watch this short episode of RT-TV to see how you would be in the boardroom – it’s only 4 minutes!

The key thing that I help people do is to become very self-aware.  Because when you get to take away all the clutter of your thoughts & feelings, it can help you get super clear about what’s working for you and what could be improved.

So if you’re response the thought of getting ‘fired’, instantly gave you a feeling of relief and thoughts something along the lines of, ‘Well finally it may mean that I could go do what I really want to do because I really don’t like what I’m doing?’ , then maybe it’s time to wake up & smell the coffee!

Because the great news is that you don’t have to wait for some external factor to come (or to be fired), in order to start to take action & so you can do more of what you’d rather be doing!

I know you may be saying that it’s not just as easy to quit your job & go after your dream job or start a business or change your current business, if it’s not floating your boat anymore – straight away in reality.  I’m not saying you have to do it right now but there are things you can be doing today to get the wheels in motion, so that you can then do it!

Think about it this way – the longer you leave not doing anything about it, the more days you’ll be wasting not doing what is right for you.

One things for sure for us all & even though it’s not really nice to think about.  From the moment we were born, there’s a clock that’s ticking away until we are gone!  So do you really want to be using up all your valuable & time which can’t be replaced, doing what doesn’t light you up?  Or instead would you like to find a way to make the change & there is always a way – believe me!

So even if it’s a step by step approach, of you getting clearer about what you’d do instead and then taking action day-by-day to make it happen.  This may be learning a new skill; getting different experiences; studying; developing your business ideas & plan or simply getting out there & applying for new jobs – just start doing it from today!

I remember reading a quote by the late Steve Jobs that has always stuck with me and I’d love to share it with you today:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

On the other hand, if you felt devastated at the thought of not being able to do your current job, career or business anymore – (not because of factors like –’ how will I pay the bills?’) – but because you love what you do!  Then good on you, as you will have been making choices & taking action, to get you to where you are today!

But make sure you don’t rest on your laurels though, as it could be the perfect time to keeping yourself developing; moving forward; setting new goals & stretching targets.  This will ensure you don’t find yourself being in the dreaded ‘comfort zone’.

I love it how one simple question, can evoke many thoughts & give you such insight, don’t you think?

I’d love to hear what you’re reaction was to ‘being fired’, so please do leave me a short comment below or on the Rapid Transformation Facebook page  plus share what you’re going to do about it now.

I look forward to sharing even more tips & strategies for you to create even more Rapid Transformations in your life again soon.

Have a fantastic day.


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