We tucked the three boys up into bed on Saturday & got ourselves ready for what would be ‘date night’ …. with a difference.
Because the tables got turned & I was getting put in the ‘hot seat’.
We hit ‘record’ & Shareen was in host mode, ready to grill me with the questions that had been flooding in from my clients; podcast listeners, family & friends.
And what a fun night (early morning) it ended up being, as those questions really did make me think & sparked some deep conversations between us.
It truly was a perfect way to celebrate the 100th episode of The Get Out Your Way Podcast with you … especially as I got to Shareen with you all … who’s been a huge part of my business & of course life 😉
There was a mix of personal, business, mindset questions … all of which I’m sure you’ll find useful for you, your life & your business.
As there were nearly 30 questions & I wanted to do justice to each of them, I decided to split the podcast into 2 parts for you.
Part 1 is now ready & waiting for you … here’s a sneak peek of the questions asked & at what times:
- The lightening round (3m 42s)
- ‘What is the most common thing you get asked to advise on & what’s the answer to that?’ (4m 52s)
- ‘What’s the most frequently used & helpful mindset tool Osmaan uses himself & with his clients?’ (7m 26s)
- ‘What tools do you use to motivate yourself when everything around you creates barriers to progress?’ (10m 16s)
- ‘Osmaan is brilliant at bringing stories to life … how does he do it? … Does he ever struggle to find ideas for the show?’ (12m 16s)
- ‘How does he manage to go from one hat to other, and still keep on smiling, at such short notice sometimes?’ (16m)
- ‘What advice would you give to someone who is starting out as a life coach. Specifically around how to find clients?’ (19m 25s)
- ‘Are there any drawbacks/negative things about being a coach?’ (23m 4s)
- ‘Are you able to switch off from “Coaching” at home or do you find yourself reaching for post it notes when a decision needs to be made about something?’ (29m 22s)
- ‘Do you apply the advice/methods you give to your clients to yourself and your family?’ (34m 55s)
- ‘You’ve had a huge positive influence on the lives of many people over the years. Who has had the biggest positive influence on yourself?’ (37m 16s)
- ‘You are always so enthusiastic and positive! What inspires you and keeps you going every day?’ (44m 56s)
- ‘What are you most proud of in your business and life?’ (47m)
- ‘Ever regret leaving the corporate world? If you were still there, what role do you think you’d be doing now?’ (50m 30s)
- ‘Given your experience in the corporate world, what is the biggest learning/experience you have gained in the entrepreneurial world that you would give back to the corporate world people to apply?’ (55m)
I told you that some of those were tough questions & definitely put me on the spot.
So come join us for ‘date night’ & tune into the episode … either by listening to it all (especially if you want some laughs & to hear the banter between Shareen & I … including her perspectives on how I answered some of the questions) or jump into the particular questions that spark your interest the most.
We went ‘high tech’ for this episode & even recorded it as a video. So if you want to see me squirm when asked some of the questions, check out the short videos over on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook (links below).
I’d love to hear what you take away from this episode & if you think Shareen should make another guest appearance, so drop me an e-mail or message via social media to share your thoughts.
Enjoy & remember the conversation continues in part 2 next week, with even more juicy questions.[/vc_column_text]
Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:
* Book in for a free virtual cuppa (15 mins) here.
* Feeling stuck or wanting to see if a coach can help you grow your business? See how I can help you get Unstuck.
* Thinking of being part of my next 90 day Rapid Transformation Mastermind group?
* What is your Entrepreneurial Superpower? Find out which of the 8 Wealth Dynamics profiles you are more aligned with?
*Discover which business growth block is holding you back by taking this free quiz.
* Connect with me on LinkedIn; Instagram & on my Facebook Page here. Or e-mail me at hello@rapidtransformation.co.uk