Get Out Your Way to Rapidly Grow Your Network Marketing Business!

A personal invitation to you ….
We both know that when it comes to growing your network marketing business, it all about you taking ACTION!
So why is it that even though you know what to do …. you don’t always consistently do it? Or even when you are in activity & taking action, you’re not always getting the results you deserve?
It’s often down what’s going on inside YOUR head! Am I right?
Because the scary this is that we ALL operate on auto-pilot in so much of our lives & this directly influences how you THINK, FEEL & ACT!
That’s why for over the past 10 years, I’ve been passionate about coaching, mentoring & training people like you to …. GET OUT YOUR WAY & turn those things that aren’t supporting you around!
I’ve been especially grateful to have worked with hundreds of network marketing business owners, through countless training events, as well as personally coaching & mentoring those from a variety of different companies on both a 1-2-1 & group basis.
Whilst I love this experience, I also get frustrated because I know there’s so many tools, techniques & strategies that are outside the ‘normal’ development you get from your network marketing company events or organised by up-lines or teams, which can really make a huge difference.
I decided to do something about this & package together all my experience from the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & many other tools, in an brand new online training programme especially for you as a network marketing professional!
The online training programme is a ‘self-study’ programme, but for the official pre-launch you have the unique chance to have me by your side in a dedicated & committed Facebook group, whilst you learn, develop, implement & create Rapid Transformations!
Sounds good? Then keep on reading & then act quickly to book your place on the ‘Get Out YOUR Way to rapidly grow your network marketing business’ online programme today!

“We all know our business, is a ‘between the ears’ one … Osmaan helps us eradicate any mind junk holding us back and helps with practical tips to get on with the task at hand.
I always leave his sessions feeling empowered and ready to create HUGE results in my business! Thank you Osmaan!”
Lesley Collins

“I asked Osmaan for help to improve my focus on the important aspects of my network marketing business, which would result in me being more productive to help my team as much as possible.
I indeed made my promotion on time and soon will make another.
Without his help I would be stuck in the rut I was in and so I will continue to work with Osmaan on an ongoing basis.
I would recommend him to anyone.”
Garry Thomson
What you’ll learn …
The ‘Get Out YOUR Way to Rapidly Grow Your Networking Marketing Business’ online training programme …. says exactly what it will do on the ‘tin’!
A large component of the programme will be bringing tools from the world of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to life for you.
NLP is simply a set of coaching & communication tools & principles, which help you experience faster changes & results!
When you learn NLP, it’s like you’ve been given the instruction manual to how your mind works and you can then get ‘inside your mind’ and in effect ‘re-programme’ it – to do what you want it to do!
Here’s a high level of what I’ll be sharing with you in each module!

Module 1: Growing on solid foundations
• Set yourself up for success & making the most of the programme.
• See how the 3 elements of the Rapid Transformation Formula™ are essential to be at the core of all you do!
• Get a snapshot of how things are working for you RIGHT NOW & what needs either fine-tuned or overhauled!
• Discover how your mind works & how to make it work for you!
• The essential mindset shifts needed to stop being an ‘employee’ of your business & instead be a network marketing entrepreneur!

Module 2: Putting Yourself First
• Understand what will keep you MOTIVATED to take consistent action.
• See how to set goals in the ‘NLP’ way – to get clearer than you’ve ever been before on them!
• Decide how YOU will fit into your business, so it feels more authentic to you!
• What are your talents & entrepreneurial superpower that you have but may not be bringing to the table!

Module 3: Sharing is Caring
• Become confident to share the opportunity you have with others, so they can experience the products or services & even see if they want to become part of it too!
• Why & where people go wrong when they talk about their business.
• How to build rapport & relationships to help you grow your business.
• Become more influential & purposeful with the words you use – make them count!
• How to become ‘multi-lingual’ & learn 4 different ways to communicate.
• Why metaphors & stories can make all the difference, so take people on a journey!
• Step into their shoes, so you’re not hitting your head against a brick wall.

Module 4: Nurturing a Thriving Team
• What to do FIRST when you have a new team member, to increase the chances they’ll stick around & make it work!
• Discover quickly what makes different people ‘tick’ through the power of NLP.
• Why it’s important that you don’t do a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach with how you communicate & work with them!
• What to do if some of your existing team have went into hiding or into ‘witness protection’!
• Why you don’t need to know everything to help them grow!
• When to be a coach … when to be a leader …. when to step back !

Module 5: HELP – I’m Feeling Stuck!
• Put your finger on EXACTLY why you’re feeling stuck, so you can then go about dealing with the right challenge!
• Quickly get unblocked .. when you’re feeling blocked … by working in the way of nature.
• Let go of Limiting Beliefs that are slowing down your progress or making life harder than it needs to be.
• Stop looking at things in a black & white way – instead let’s go multi-coloured & see things from different perspectives.

Module 6: Goodbye ‘Negative’ Niggles!
• Increase your confidence (or any other positive feelings) using the power of a ‘magic button’.
• Change how you think & feel about certain activities that you normally put off, because of fear or anxiety!
• Take control of you inner critic & make it your inner cheerleader instead.
• Upgrade the software of your mind, to chance non-productive habits & instead make them work for you.

Module 7: Be an Action Superstar
• Stop thinking all the time & actually do!
• Discover a business planning cycle that will help everything flow easier!
• It’s YOUR time – make sure you use it wisely with these productivity hacks.
• Why spending less time on your business could be just what you need!
• How to fit your business in with your busy life & other competing priorities – so that you’re in control of it & show it respect too!

Module 8: Onwards & Upwards
• What you need to do to stop sabotaging your success – when you move to that next level.
• Get really focused on what you’re going to do to implement what you’ve discovered, so it becomes a natural way of being for you!
• See how far you’ve come by reviewing how solid your foundations now are & how you can keep them consistently high!

“One of my main limiting beliefs used to be that older people/ business professionals don’t take me seriously in business.
After the workshop I acted on what we had learned and took Osmaan’s advice on ‘3D Thinking’ (my beliefs, other people’s beliefs and the truth).
I registered for lots of networking events, purposefully to meet older business women and men who had been in the business world longer than me.
Facing my fears head on and doing a lot of work in conquering my self limiting beliefs, I regularly attend networking events now and due to this I’ve sponsored a couple of people in to my business who are older and have many more meetings with people I once would have avoided!
Excited for the next class!”
Ruth Morris

“Just wanted to let you know that my change of thinking from your amazing work on Saturday just landed me a new team member!
Thank you for doing what you do Osmaan.
So glad our paths have crossed.
Tanya Anderson

“I was so fortunate to meet Osmaan, and be trained by him alongside 350 other Independent Consultants in June 2015… since then, Osmaan has been a huge inspiration to me – posting valuable content which I use and implement in to my day to day.
Recently Osmaan has provided the most incredible mindset training to my team, which took us into Regional Vice President Qualification as a team.
Osmaan is passionate, dedicated and an absolutely brilliant coach, trainer and mentor!”
Wendy Griffith
How will it work ?
Network marketing businesses are very unique, in lots of ways compared to other businesses. That’s why I’ll only include things in the programme, which will be useful for YOU, & in a way that will make most sense to your industry.
It will be mainly bite-sized & video based (so you’ll hear my lovely Scottish accent) with accompanying slides/visuals to help bring things to life even more.
There will also be handy ‘Action Sheets’ for you when needed, so you can …. yep you’ve guessed it … take action easily!
The programme is being designed to make the most of the wonders of technology, so you can access it whilst at home/on a commute/in a coffee shop or wherever you have access to a computer/mobile/tablet & internet.
The intention is that after the official launch, your fellow network marketing business owners can work through the programme on a ‘self-study’ basis (with some Q&A support inside the learning platform).
You’ll also be invited into a ‘pop up’ private Facebook Group, so you can easily communicate with both your fellow group members & myself.
You’ll also have lifetime access to the content of the programme for your PERSONAL USE. This will include any future versions with updates & changes made.
Your Pre-Launch Special Opportunity
The full investment of the online training programme when officially launched will be a minimum of £197
(although feedback from I’ve already had from others I’ve shared the outline with has said that’s too low … so it’s likely to go up!).
As a special opportunity for you to experience the programme & be part of the pre-launch phase, I’d love to give you access to it for
only £97*
What some other network marketing business owners have to say ….
(Based on the coaching & mentoring they’ve received as a member of the Transformation Exchange – online group Mastermind)

“Osmaan has really helped me over come my personal challenges. I’m on track to reach my goals and have Osmaan to thank for always encouraging and supporting me.”
Natalie Burgess

“Every time I come away with things I can put into action straight away in each of my businesses.”
Barry Nelson

“The regular group coaching calls have helped me be more focused and be more aware of running my business rather than working in the business!”
Maria Birkmyre
Still have questions?
I’ve got them covered …
Most of the network marketing specific events I’ve done so far have been a few hours or 1 day at most. So there’s only so much I can cover during that time!
I’m very selective of what I share during those events, to give as much value as possible.
Therefore, you’ll no doubt find elements of those topics covered inside this programme too. Which is great news, as it means you can re-visit them now based upon where you are & also again in the future.
I do promise though, there will be lots of new learning from you too across all of the modules, so you’ll have plenty to get your teeth stuck into!
Yes of course. I’ll purposefully be creating & sharing the materials through the lens of ‘it’s the first time you’ve worked with me or come across this’.
The good news is that, you’ll get to laugh as some of my jokes that I’ll no doubt through in & can laugh at them for the first time during this online training programme.
Not at all – I know you’ll still learn lots no matter what level you’re currently at.
Of course it will depend on your level of experience & results you’ve had so far. If you’ve reached the top levels of your business, then I’m sure you’ve been doing lots of great things to make that happen. But there’s always room for sharpening the saw & keeping things fresh.
Nope! I’ve worked with business owners from a number of different companies & what I see is that most of their personal challenges & opportunities are similar.
I also know that most companies have great training programmes & support to help you know what you need to about their specific products/services & compensation plans etc.
So I’ll keep out of that & instead focus on where I can add the most value! Helping you create Rapid Transformations for YOU!
This programme is a group progamme & as such, unfortunately you won’t get any additional 1-2-1 coaching calls with me as part of it.
However, I promise that I’ll be active inside the Facebook group, so the more questions you ask in there & participate … the more I can specifically help you.
If you want more personal help for you to grow your business, then you may also want to supplement this programme with one-to-one coaching or my group coaching mastermind – the Transformation Exchange.

“It’s helped me to better understand that people buy people not just products and services. It’s helped me understand how to differentiate myself from other people and communicate the value you I add to my business offering.”
Hazel McBride

“My business has benefited from my more professional mind set which I gave gained from reading and listening to advice from the group.
I have also been able to work with Osmaan on some personal blocks which have made a huge difference to my ability to communicate when training new team members.”
Fiona Shuttleworth